SERIES PREMIERE: This new comedy series is an extended parody of reality TV’s Real Housewives franchise – an idea for a lampoon that was done by Saturday Night Live years ago, and seems not only ripe for ridicule, but overripe. Yet The Hotwives of Orlando starts out with a pilot that not only skewers the structure and stereotypes of the genre, but does so with a playful comedy cast. Included in the mix: former SNL player Casey Wilson (as trophy wife Tawny, whose charity of choice is High Heels for Dogs and whose motto is “Girls just want to have fun, even when their husbands are dying”); Kristin Schaal as former child commercial star Amanda (“I grew up on TV, and I plan to die there”); and others, including Angela Kinsley from The Office. The premiere, available any time as an exclusive Hulu series, has more bite and laughs than you might expect, and the promos show even more promise. I won’t watch reality TV shows like the ones Hotwives is spoofing, but I have no problem watching this.