E!, 11:00 p.m. ET
SERIES PREMIERE: You’d think E! already has milked every possible moment of profitable TV programming opportunities from the Kardashian family, but we all know, in our heart of hearts, that’s far from the truth. I hate to think, in the next few years, what manner of reality-TV spinoffs this family, and this network, will collaborate to Jenner-ate. Meanwhile, by changing one letter in the title of one of the existing E! franchises, Keeping up with the Kardashians, this latest spinoff can zoom in, quote literally, on the primary asset of this inexplicably popular family franchise. In the winter 2014 issue of Paper magazine, Kim Kardashian bared all – and that was just on the cover (shown here, really), part of an intentionally provocative photo spread that was aimed to show off the celebrity’s most recognizable (and valuable?) feature. Butt I digress. The main point is that if Keeping Up with the Karshashians has been such a lucrative reality-TV franchise, why not present the undiluted version, and focus solely on The Karsdassians?