Craig Ferguson began hosting The Late Late Show on CBS the first week of 2005. This month, after basically 10 years at the helm, Craig Ferguson is stepping down – and is going out the way he came in, determined to find his own way of having fun and interviewing his guests. His final show is scheduled for Dec. 19, and the guests populating these last three weeks of his show may not even be showing up with anything to promote. They’re people who have been on the show before, usually many times, and have responded beautifully to Ferguson’s peculiar, and delightful, style of TV banter. In other words, it’s three weeks of a home-field, one-stop farewell tour, featuring nothing but the show’s close friends. The festivities begin tonight with Lisa Kudrow, an official member of Friends (seen here from a 2012 visit), and Dominic Monaghan, another guest who has been very funny and entertaining – and unforced – when visiting Ferguson. Start making this a regular late-night December pit stop, because Ferguson can be counted upon to go out the way he came in: with a level of loose and mischievous unpredictability.