With tonight’s Part 8, we’re only halfway through this inspirational historical analysis of world cinema – and tonight, TCM shifts the program from its usual 10 p.m. ET slot to midnight. So if this program has become a weekly habit, set your recorder or stay up later, rather than miss it. Tonight’s installment: , Tonight is Part 7, which means we’ve almost reached the halfway point of this excellent, inspirational film history documentary. Tonight’s focus is 1965-1969 – New Waves Sweep Around the World, and includes snippets of movies that don’t usually get discussed, or seen, on these shores. Included among them is the 1967 twisted comedy Daisies (pictured), released in its home country of Czechoslovakia under the title Sedmikrsky. It’s about two hedonistic teen girls who go on a brief rampage of meaningless destruction, excess and provocation. TCM shows the movie in its entirety at 1:15 a.m. ET, as soon as tonight’s documentary is concluded.