Showtime, 10:00 p.m. ET
SERIES PREMIERE: There are singular moments of inspired strangeness in this new series, which stars Kirsten Dunst as the wife of a man trying to sell his suburban Florida neighbors on an Amway-type motivational sales scheme. Really inspired, in fact, like her character’s dusted-off pageant dance routine, which is like a cross between David Lynch and the Muppets. But those moments arrive about once per episode, and the rest of the shows just aren’t sharp enough to match. It’s worth a look, and Dunst absolutely is the engine pulling the entire train – but it’s just not as powerful, or weird, as its promos and premise would suggest. Two episodes are shown tonight, which is more than enough to decide if this is the type of God you’d care to follow. For full reviews, see Ed Bark's Uncle Barky's Bytes, David Hinckley's All Along the Watchtower, and Mike Hughes' Open Mike.