SERIES PREMIERE: This new Netflix series is an odd curiosity – or a curious oddity – that you may consider worth a look. Imagine the Mad Max post-apocalyptic universe, and the deadly tribal fiefdoms of The Warriors, transplanted to a group of futuristic high school cliques. The bomb has dropped, all adults are dead or zombie-ish, and the teens left behind are fighting for supremacy, Lord of the Flies style. How did all this come about? The hero, a former slacker named Josh, admits to ignorance, due to the chief malady of young people his age: “I wasn’t paying attention.” That made me laugh – and stick around to see a bit more. Matthew Broderick is a surprising co-star here… and, after a few episodes, gets his own showcase installment. For a full review, see David Hinckley's All Along the Watchtower.