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Got a Minute? Help Us Choose Some New TVWW Slogans
February 25, 2012  | By David Bianculli  | 28 comments


We here at TV WORTH WATCHING are so close to launching the next version of our website that it's time to reach out, and start asking for help.

If there's one thing we've learned here, it's that most of our readers are the equal of most of our writers (just enough wiggle room there, I hope, to avoid offending anyone). So we want to tap your brains, and ask your help -- in coming up with some new slogans for TV WORTH WATCHING...


We're thinking of the kinds of things that could rotate in our new masthead, and perhaps even adorn a tee shirt or coffee mug or two. (That's right! TVWW is going into Merchandise! One clear sign of the impending apocalypse!)

Samples are shown above and at right, to give you a feel for what we're seeking. For the slogans, not the apocalypse.

Be the first person to send in what amounts to a "winning" entry -- an entry we decide to use on the site -- and we'll send something cheap and insignificant. But I'm behind, already, on the delivery of two such promised prizes, so patience, in this case, is not just a virtue, but a necessity.

But if you want to help us come up with some fun slogans, even if just for the fun of it, we could really use the help.

In case of similar entries -- in case we really do award some sort of thank-you gift -- the one posted and dated first will be crowned the winner.

Have fun. Just don't send the same ones as shown in the samples above and at right. We claim those already.

And here's another one, for the road:

57 Channels and Something's On...

Now it's your turn!

Oh -- and since we're expanding, and becoming a bigger-time operation, we feel the need -- legally if not morally -- to make it clear that, except for perhaps a key chain or mug or something, no compensation will be given, now or at any later date, for the submitted slogans.

All submissions become property of TV Worth Watching. Entrants hereby grant TV Worth Watching irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide rights to use submitted slogans on the website, on merchandise and in marketing and promotional materials.

I know that sounds awful -- but hey. I just signed and returned a Hollywood contract for the option to my Smothers Brothers book, and it was 51 pages long. And on page one, it declared rights "for the entire universe."

So we don't want to scare you off with any legalese, or hint that we're expecting to retire off proceeds from any TVWW slogan. We're just, in a way, protecting our universal behinds...



Len F. said:

"TVWW...Christie hates it...It must be great!!!"
"TVWW...Got a problem with that?"
"Other TV websites..Fugettaboutit!..TVWW is the one!!!"
"Call your travel agent & book a guilt trip...but first, read TVWW!!"

[You're first in, Len... But I'd keep trying, though you sure are hitting the Jersey angle! - DB]

Comment posted on February 23, 2012 3:36 PM
David Jones said:

I usually leave slogans to the ad guys, but here's a few:

"TVWW: Finding the Golden Ticket So You Don't Have To"

"TVWW: Remove the Guilty From Your TV Pleasures"

"TVWW: Five Picks a Day Keeps the Brain from Rotting"

[Ooh, you've got some nice ones here! Thanks! -DB]

Comment posted on February 23, 2012 6:12 PM
Mike Carlin said:




"What Would TV Worth Watching Watch? (WWTVWWW?)"



"DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL (Whatever a DIAL is!)"


"I LIKE TO WATCH"-- Chauncey Gardner



More unless you stop me, folks!

Mike C

[No sense stopping you -- these are too good. Although the 'Being There" quote may get US into legal trouble... - DB]

Comment posted on February 23, 2012 7:42 PM
Mike H. said:

"WWTVWWD?" (What would T.V. Worth Watching do?) or "WWTVWWW?" (What would T.V. Worth Watching watch?)

[Wow! A virtual tie for WWTVWWW!!! Amazing. - DB]

Comment posted on February 23, 2012 7:54 PM
Keith Robin said:

TV Worth Watching-Watch What We Say!

Comment posted on February 23, 2012 8:34 PM
Jacques said:

"TV Worth Watching ...who knew?"

"TV Worth Watching ...no kidding!"

Comment posted on February 23, 2012 8:37 PM
Erin said:

"Because everyone needs help traversing the wasteland"

[Oh, I like this one! Thanks, Erin! - DB]

Comment posted on February 23, 2012 8:59 PM
Mac said:

Some rejected titles:
"All Things TV Considered"
"Fresh Air TV"
"TV's Guide-ing Light"
"TVWW-When You Care Enough To Watch The Very Best"
"TVWW-Leave the Watching To Us"
"TVWW-Are You Following Me,Camera Guy?"
"TVWW-We Flip Past the Flops"
"TVWW-Big Brother Is Watching For You"

Possible real ones:
"Watching EVERYTHING So You Can Watch SOMETHING."
"One Click To Quality TV."
"TVWW-What's Really On TV?"

[Hey, don't be so hard on your so-called rejects. I happen to LIKE "TVWW- When You Care Enough to Watch the Very Best"... a lot. And "Big Brother is Watching For You," too... - DB]

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 6:48 AM
Victor V said:

"The wasteland is behind us"
"Find the good stuff"
"It's not all the same"
"Because one size does not fit all"
"You are number six"

[Ah, a Prisoner reference! Nice! - DB]

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 11:55 AM
Eileen said:

I'm being a smart ass here:

What Would Jesus Watch?

I'll try to think some up...

[Irreverent, but not irrelevant. Probably, he'd start with "Lamp Unto My Feet." Can't wait for the others! - DB]

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 12:10 PM
Eileen said:

"TVWW - Where the TV Elite Meet"
"TVWW - When the Test Pattern is Not Enough"
"TVWW - So Many Shows, So Little Time"
"TVWW - Your Know of Shows"

[I think your third one -- or a variant, "So Much TV, So Little Time," may be a keeper! - DB]

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 12:22 PM
Neil said:

"TVWW: The best in television, the worst in baksheesh"

"TVWW: Bein' cool, he's watching for you"

"TVWW: No chaff, it's wheat's on tonight!"

"TVWW: The mafia of quality TV"

"TVWW: Watch it, it's good for you!"

"TVWW: You give us a few minutes, we'll save you from dreck"

"Not just the TV Worth Watching, but the TV worth avoiding"

"A mind is a terrible thing to waste on bad TV"

"TVWW: Reality is for losers"

"TVWW: Where good TV meets bad puns"

"TVWW: Where all the good scribes have gone"

[Wow. You have MORE than your share of goodies (and baddies) here. Lots to consider -- with "A mind is a terrible thing to waste on bad TV" topping my list. Nice job. And I had to look up "baksheesh." Thought you were swearing. - DB]

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 1:07 PM
Sarah said:

TVWW It's a full time job, but somebody has to do it.

[Simple, yet brilliant. Love it. - DB]

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 1:07 PM
Ted O'Connor said:

"Not the remote, my pistol."

"Eyesight is more valuable than this."

"Can we mute the picture?"

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 1:40 PM
Mike Carlin said:
















Say "when", Dave!

Mike C

[You saved the best two for last, methinks. And melikes. - DB]

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 1:48 PM
Eileen said:

TVWW - Where TV Reviews ARE The News!

[Oooh, a home run. Sweet. - DB]

Comment posted on February 24, 2012 2:36 PM

Kevan said:

"Nielsen Shmielsen."

"Better Navigating in the Vast Wasteland"

"Mostly on Cable"

"Trust the Hawaiian Shirt."

"Leave It To B"

"[catchy slogan here]"

["Nielsen Schmillsen" is a definite contender -- especially since Harry Nilsson is a personal favorite. Very funny! -- DB]

Comment posted on February 25, 2012 10:43 AM

Alex F said:

I don't care if I'm too late... this is fun!

"From Test Cards to TiVo, and Beyond"
"Because Ignorance of Good TV is No Excuse"
"Viewing the Medium for the Message"
"Sorting Static Since 2007"
"500 Channels and Too Much to Watch"
"Bringing Teleliteracy to the Internet"
"Warning: May Result in Conversation"
"(Formerly Telegrams Worth Reading)"

[You're not too late, and it's a good batch. I like 'Warning: May Result in Conversation" the best... but we'll see. Thanks! - DB]

Comment posted on February 25, 2012 3:39 PM

Michael N said:


Because every decision matters when your DVR is always at 90 percent."

And a long list of crap to avoid"

Because, let's face it, we know more about this than you do."

The official television criticism website of the Kardashian Family."

[Funny stuff, Michael -- though they get more insulting as they go on. And the last one just hurts. But the first one, I believe, may be a winner. Thanks for playing along at home! - DB]

Comment posted on February 25, 2012 10:07 PM

Marlark said:


[Oooh -- a one-word home run! - DB]

Comment posted on February 26, 2012 2:16 AM

Alys said:

Why choose just one smart + funny tagline? You could offer several, or rotate through them for different seasons or holidays? Check out Anne Taintor for some really great inspiration.

Love the site, btw! really narrows down the search of figuring out the good stuff and hidden gems. :-)

[Thanks! And you're reading our minds as well as our recommendations. We ARE planning to rotate slogans. - DB]

Comment posted on February 26, 2012 3:26 PM

Mike Carlin said:

"TV! Seriously!"


"No soap... TV!"

"Stay calm and turn it on."

"TVWW... not that there's anything wrong with that."

"TVWW: Watch it, Pal! Just watch it!"

"TV... it's ON!"

"TV... not just a piece of furniture."

"TV... the window to the Soul Train."

"TVWW: Gap the Mind" (Maybe for BBC America)

"Don't look now! TVWW will tell you when!"

"TVWW: No matter WHO you're wearing!" (Can ya tell when this one popped into my mind?)

Mike C

[My favorite: TV: Not just a piece of furniture." Nice one! - DB]


Comment posted on February 26, 2012 7:22 PM

Matthew393 said:

"Watch This---Not That!"

"Say No To Channel Surfing"

"We Know So You'll Know"

"All The Shows Fit To Watch"

[Ha That last one is very NY Times-ian... but if we can get away with it, it's a hoot. - DB]

Comment posted on February 26, 2012 10:27 PM

Rich said:

Let see what I can pull out of my 'ether-net'...

"TVWW: And that's the way it is" (little Cronkite)

"TVWW: The Cure for the common TV Review" (C'mon worked on "Mad Men" season 4)

"TVWW: where the reviews are "the reality" and Reality TV is 'scripted'"

"TVWW: We Loved: "Buffy", "Mad Men", "American Horror Story" & "SNL" before 90% of America - we might know how to do this"

"TVWW: the methods and mediums might change but our quality never goes out of style"

"TVWW: Where the quality reviews are never cancelled"

"Premium TV picks for the casual TV viewer means TV WW".

"TVWW: We don't think you're stupid, We just think your TV time is worth it"

"TVWW: Entertainment Education from the Earnest Eager Educators!"

"TVWW: Watch what you put in your eyes!"

"TVWW: We know way too much about TV"

"TVWW: America might have talent but we have TV worth watching!"

"TVWW: Even Howard Stern likes David Bianculli!"

"TVWW: It's the Topical, Culture, and Critical product of years of evolved TV watching"

"TVWW: We have more tested critics than NBC has had hits in the last 5 years!"

"TVWW: What actually know what Japanese Anime is!"

That's all I came up with in the last 20 minutes...

[My favorite here: "Watch what you put in your eyes!" -- Makes me think of an overprotective mother. Thanks! - DB]

Comment posted on February 27, 2012 8:20 AM
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