The pandemic has affected all our lives, as we strive to avoid catching and spreading the coronavirus. And as more people stay home to avoid crowds and contact, TV and binge viewing become more prominent options. TV Worth Watching, so far as it can, would like to help…
Everything is changing so quickly, we’re not sure how much we can do, or for how long, or for under what conditions. But speaking personally, I’m feeling so helpless about so much else right now, that even attempting to try to help someone else a little – in the tiny, weird way I know how, and still can, from the isolated safety of my home – is something I’m grateful to be able to try.
So on both this TV Worth Watching website and our YouTube channel, we’ll be distributing periodic recommendations for programs, series and other streaming options you can watch without leaving your home. Tips to entertain young children who are desperate for distractions. Things to watch from the most popular sites, as well as some of the more obscure.
We don’t want to be perceived as talking advantage of a bad situation – just of trying to give a little solace, and some solid recommendations, (such as The Good Place, top) during a tough time.
Let us know what works for you, what you’ve liked – and, to help us help others, to recommend binge offerings of your own. That may be the best thing we can do, to count on each other to spread the word, and the best possible viewing options.
We’re all in this together…even when we’re trying to go it somewhat separately.