Undercoversjoins the canceled class of freshmen 2010 after NBC announced it's ordering no more episodes after the first 13 run out.
No big surprise, really -- J.J. Abrams' Wednesday night afterthought suffered from little things like no chemistry, dopey stories, and an inexplicable misreading of how to recreate an espionage romp echoing such retro faves as The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and The Wild Wild West.
(No, pretty stars is not the key. Here's a tiny hint: Wit.)
Already down for the count:
Lone Star (Fox/Monday; too bad)
Outlaw (NBC/Friday; good riddance)
My Generation (ABC/Thursday; could have developed into something)
The Whole Truth (ABC/Wednesday; wasn't a bad procedural).
Who's next?