The next incarnation of TV WORTH WATCHING really, truly is coming -- maybe a month or so away, at this point, but closer all the time. And we're making room, among other things, for one new feature that will allow us to take advantage of you. Yes, you. In a way we hope you'll enjoy.
We want to match our readers -- the most literate TV fans on the Internet, so far as we're concerned -- to certain shows, and allow them to remark on programs in which they have specific, professional expertise.
So share with us what you do, or what you've done in the past, that we can keep on file to assign and match new shows for you to tell us what does, and doesn't, ring true to you. We already have a theatrical lighting designer examining Smash, and we're looking for more...
We don't expect, or necessarily want, to have any meth dealers who can authoritatively criticize the plot points of AMC's Breaking Bad. But are there any U.S. Marshals in the house to take on FX's Justified? Any attorneys or campaign strategists to react to CBS's The Good Wife? Any scientists to test CBS's The Big Bang Theory?
Let us know what's on your professional resume, and the intersection between that and what you're watching. It may lead, in the near future, to a chance to write for TV WORTH WATCHING somewhere other than the COMMENTS section...