Party Down came out of nowhere to become one of my favorite shows, and I'm not the only one. There's a sizable cult for this little Starz comedy gem about a team of Hollywood cater-waiters who'd rather be (pick one) actors, screenwriters, comedians or other credits-worthy creatives. Instead, they're stuck serving up drinks and strange-shaped hors d'oeuvres at singles mixers, high school reunions, sweet sixteen parties, and porn awards ceremonies. (You can imagine what those hors d'oeuvres look like.)
The new Season 1 DVD set is a must-have, so read the full review on our DVD page (teased in the home-page column to the right of For
Better or Werts). It's a tight little two-disc set of 10 episodes that pick up steam as they roll along in their meandering way, with cut-loose guest stars like Enrico Colantoni, J.K. Simmons and Kristen Bell [photo at right]. Commentaries add to the fun of this surprise treat cooked up by Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas and his comic cohorts.
The second season of Party Down starts April 23 on Starz, and it's worth marking on your calendar. I've seen the first three episodes, and they only get better and better. Jane Lynch has left the cast for Glee, but Megan Mullally introduces an entirely different energy. Where Lynch was a droll veteran actress on the skids, Mullally is a new arrival barging into town to make her daughter Escapade (love it) a star.
Check out the review, and buy Party Down on DVD here.