On Thursday, Dec. 4, NBC presents Peter Pan Live!, a live musical telecast about Peter, Wendy, Tinker Bell, Captain Hook and the rest. I happen to have reviewed it the last time NBC performed it live – in 1960…
Back then, though, I was writing for an audience of one, and technically had yet to learn to write, at least in school. But at age 7, in my diary entry for Dec. 7, 1960, I wrote with obvious enthusiasm: “Dear Diary, Today I am too tickled because tomorrow Peter Pan is on.”
And it came on, and it was good.
Now, seeking to recapture the ratings magic that greeted last year’s The Sound of Music Live!, the network is mounting another ambitious, and in these days unusual, special. Allison Williams from HBO’s Girls has the title role, and Christopher Walken co-stars as Captain Hook. It sounds as magical to me now as the original version, with Mary Martin and Cyril Ritchard, did then.
And speaking of sounds, today I did an advance report on the new Peter Pan, and replayed some of the old version, on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross. You can hear it, and read it, on the Fresh Air website.
And after that, make plans to watch at 8 p.m. ET Thursday as NBC presents Peter Pan Live! – because the live element is as key, and magical, an ingredient as pixie dust. Gather the family. Make snacks.
Then, with help from television, make some new memories…