Graham's The Best and Here's His 2014 Best
The Graham Norton Show has been a longtime TVWW fave, seemingly having cracked the formula for what makes a great 21st century talk show. We've noted before that one of the main ingredients of Norton's not-quite-secret recipe has all his guests coming together at the opening of the show. He also has a nimble pace, getting to their best anecdotes quickly. Most importantly, he's a master provocateur, getting everyone chatting, and creating lively, spontaneous moments. The show has wrapped for the season, but here's a "Best of 2014" series of clips that highlight some moments we've brought to your attention before including Seth MacFarlane doing a Liam Neeson monologue from Taken in the voice of Kermit the Frog. Also, check out Emma Stone at 6:30, as she's told The Spice Girls might be on hand. As we mentioned in an earlier blog posting, during his recent appearance Matt Damon said, "By the way, this is the best time I've ever had on a talk show." Watch this and you'll see why. -- Eric Gould