The original release of this set was packaged in a tiny replica of a filing cabinet. Now in a more standard (and less expensive) issue, it’s still a keeper. It’s also still one of the best cop series ever made, and no wonder: It’s inspired by David Simon’s work as a Baltimore Sun reporter, and brought Simon to TV as his first step to The Wire. Tom Fontana and Barry Levinson are the producers who made this, at the time, the best show on television – and the entire set would be worth buying just to watch Season 1’s “Three Men and Adena,” among the greatest hours of TV ever. This is where Andre Braugher became a star, and many others, too. Watch for early roles by Edie Falco, Melissa Leo and lots more. (Full disclosure: I’m on the DVD Extras somewhere, moderating some panel of Homicide folks, but that’s not why I’m recommending this set. I’m recommending it because it’s superb.) – DB