TVWW is now 2 for 2 in its support of Kickstarter campaigns: Bob Weide’s efforts to raise enough funds to complete his Kurt Vonnegut documentary just surpassed the target goal. So it’s on!...
You can read my original blog about the Vonnegut Kickstarter campaign, or just take my word for it: This is one project worth supporting, and one that is, at this point, a third of a century in the making.
But why take my words for it? Here are some of Weide’s, who sent out a celebratory thank-you email early Wednesday morning:
“Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time made its goal Tuesday night at 8:34PM (PST). What a roller coaster ride this has been! …
“Don Argott and I and everyone else involved in this campaign can finally exhale. By now, you all know the story of how I've been trying to get this movie made for 33 years. So imagine what tonight means to me, knowing that this tribute to our favorite author will now see the light of day. Just imagine how grateful I am to all of you… This film is a reality…
“I can't help but think how pleased Kurt would be by the notion of his fans, his readers, banding together to get this film made, when all other options seemed to fail. I do know for certain what he'd say, because whenever I called to give him good news, his one-word response rarely varied. So tonight, I leave you with the word that Kurt would send out to all of you, if he were here:
As of Wednesday morning, the Kickstarter campaign for Unstuck in Time has drawn more than 3,000 backers, who have pledged a collective $254,579 – surpassing the $250,000 target. But Weide and co-filmmaker Argott would love even more supporters, and support, so visit their Kickstarter page to learn what else you can do, buy and win.
Meanwhile, Hooray!
If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is…