The Kickoff Curse has done it again. Each fall, it targets the first new series to premiere each fall from a broadcast network, and predicts that the show in question will not live to see a sophomore season. Last year, the Curse -- which I invented, by the way, decades ago -- fingered CW's
Melrose Placefor extinction. And hey: Look what show isn't back for 2010...
The Kickoff Curse has now correctly predicted four freshman losers in a row: Melrose Place last year (despite the midseason publicity injection by Heather Locklear, star of the prime-time soap's original 1990s version), NBC's America's Toughest Jobs in 2008, Fox's Nashville in 2007, and Fox's Vanished in 2006.
The last series to defy the Kickoff Curse was Fox's Prison Break in 2005. But overall, the Curse has a fairly high degree of accuracy. In 35 years, only six Cursed shows have survived. And the new show on the chopping block? That would be CW's Hellcats, which premiered earlier this week. It has one year to succumb to the Kickoff Curse... or to defy it.
Most prominent among the survivors are the CBS sitcom Alice in the '70s, ABC's newsmagazine Primetime Live in the '80s, Fox's sitcom Roc in the '90s, and, in the current decade, the aforementioned Prison Break.
And except for a pair of fairly recent sitcoms from the now-defunct UPN network, Girlfriends and One on One from 2000-01, those are the only survivors of a curse that began way back in 1975, during the Gerald Ford administration.
The most famous victims of the Kickoff Curse include ABC's fabulous 1994 teen drama My So-Called Life, starring Claire Danes; 1984's Call to Glory, an ABC drama starring Craig T. Nelson that explored the Kennedy-era 1960s the way Mad Men is doing now; and 1990's Hull High, the NBC series that was the last show to attempt a weekly high-school musical series until the current Glee.
For the record, and for your amusement, here's the complete list of shows that faced the Kickoff Curse, along with their respective fates. Only shows which are underlined survived the curse.
Remember any of these? If most of the names don't ring a bell... well, that's the point.
2010.....CW.....Hellcats (fate unknown)
2009......CW.....Melrose Place
2008.....NBC.....America's Toughest Jobs
2005.....Fox.....Prison Break
2004.....Fox.....North Shore
2002......WB.....Family Affair
2001.....UPN.....One on One
1999.....UPN.....Grown Ups
1998.....Fox.....Holding the Baby
1997.....UPN.....Good News
1996.....Fox.....L.A. Firefighters
1995.....Fox.....The Crew
1994.....ABC.....My So-Called Life
1993.....Fox.....Front Page
1992.....ABC.....Covington Cross
1990.....NBC.....Hull High
1989.....ABC.....Primetime Live
1988.....NBC.....Baby Boom
1987.....NBC.....Private Eye
1986.....CBS.....The Wizard
1984.....ABC.....Call to Glory
1983.....NBC.....We Got It Made
1982.....NBC.....The Powers of Matthew Star
1981.....ABC.....Best of the West
1980.....CBS.....Ladies' Man
1978.....NBC.....Dick Clark's Live Wednesday
1977.....CBS.....The Betty White Show
1975.....CBS.....Big Eddie