Parental warning --
Camp Rock overkill about to commence!
Remember how many times your tweens just had to watch High School Musical? And High School Musical 2? How many times they blasted the CD through the house, and the car? How much online time they spent at HSM websites? How many branded products they just had to buy?
You ain't seen nothin' yet. Camp Rock, the latest Disney consumer assault disguised as a TV movie musical, hits the air this week, all week. An over-the-top vehicle for the hot young Jonas Brothers -- if you haven't seen/heard these moptop rocker hotties, you don't know any kids -- the flick premieres officially on Disney Channel Friday at 8 p.m. ET. But it starts "previewing" on Disney Channel On Demand this Tuesday. (Consult your digital cable provider for availability.)
Then Camp Rock has its broadcast network debut on ABC Saturday, June 21 at 8 p.m. ET. Then Camp Rock gets a basic cable encore on ABC Family Sunday, June 22 at 8 p.m. ET. Then it runs 4,000 more times throughout the Disney/ABC TV universe.
That's not counting the CD release Tuesday. The DVD release Aug. 19. The jam-packed official website. The nonstop streams at Disney XD online. The "junior novel." The "poster book." The "musical memories" hardcover. The sticker collection. The myriad licensed products -- T-shirts, pajamas, pendant, dance mat, Post-It notes.
Camp Rock is soooo ginormous that they're already casting Camp Rock 2. But what if the first one's a dud? Silly us. Why would that matter?