Many months ago, when the networks were concocting their first replacement plans if the strike persisted, one of the projects announced by Fox was a new reality series called When Women Rule the World. It was supposed to premiere tonight, but it's nowhere to be found.
Hooray for Fox?
Not exactly. Turns out the network has delayed the premiere of the new series, which has men ruled completely by women (and eliminated weekly) in a remote location, until the May ratings sweeps. So rather than being embarrassed by the show, which comes from the folks who gave us both Joe Millionaire and Married By America, Fox is smelling a hit.
I'm smelling something, too - but I'll reserve final judgment until after I've seen the series. Which, the way these previews of these shows are not usually sent in advance, will be the same time America does.
Another show not on Monday TV right now? The Baby Borrowers, which NBC announced would premiere two weeks ago. The tacky My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad showed up instead, and Baby Borrowers, a reality show in which young couples were given tag-team responsibilities of babies, teens and old folks, is nowhere to be found.
Hooray for NBC?
No chance. That show's coming, just at a later date. And while NBC's patience with a show such as Quarterlife lasts only a single episode, it's clear the network is placing chips all over the board, hoping to get lucky quick in the network game of instant-hit roulette.
So bestowing praise for bad programs that don't show up, it turns out, is an exercise is wishful thinking. Sooner or later, they'll get here.
I'm still waiting for the premiere of the CBS reality remake of The Beverly Hillbillies...
It's an idea so bad, its time should come. Eventually. Unfortunately.