Does it seem like commercial breaks are getting longer? Like the show itself may never "be right back after this message"? You're not imagining things.
Ad Age reports breaks are getting "supersized" on cable channels like Spike, where individual breaks can reach "something approaching an eyebrow-raising 10 minutes in total." But guess what? Advertisers are unhappy about it, too.
The long breaks have shown up in Spike's Entourage episodes, which are scheduled in 45-minute blocks. Ad Age counted more than half of that length occupied by ads/promos, and quoted ad folks furious at being buried in all that clutter.
Lucky you, though: Now you can watch Entourage in broadcast syndication. HBO's male-skewing adult comedy is premiering this week in late-night on local stations, like New York's WPIX/11 (12:30 a.m. ET Monday-Friday nights) and Philadelphia's WPHL/17 (11:30 p.m. ET Monday-Friday nights).
Those stations are scheduling it in half-hour slots, which should mean a bit less buy-me bother.