Now that TV is everywhere, so is this website.
While Bianculli clues you in on what to watch, other TVWW writers go behind the scenes to explore how it got made, or gets promoted, or lives on beyond its airing.
This week alone, Ed Martin reports from Orlando on a Syfy event for the digital press -- tweet, tweet -- while Bill Brioux is in Hollywood stumbling into a vast collectors convention of autograph-getting and memorabilia trading.
Meanwhile, Tom Brinkmoeller is interviewing PBS honchos about the future of public television, then pondering the impact of Barbara Billingsley's June Cleaver on American society.
Scroll down our CONTRIBUTORS page to find Eric Gould ruminating on a fascinating Sundance/IFC documentary about a dying Pennsylvania town. Then there's Diane Holloway's quirky countdown of TV's 10 scariest things, like Botox-ed celebs or Michael Bolton dancing.
Writers assess Michael Feinstein's PBS songbook, God on Glee, and more -- all from a variety of perspectives that can only come from collecting some of the smartest TV critics out there and letting them loose.
We hope you enjoy what they write as much as David Bianculli and I do. We also hope you'll let us and them know what you think, by clicking on Comments beneath each column.
Agree. Disagree. Praise. Carp. Add more info. Whatever.
At this site, TV is a two-way street.