Wanna see Ozzy Osbourne on Dancing With the Stars? Maybe John McCain or Carrot Top? Reba or Diane Keaton?
How about Brett Favre? "He will undoubtedly be retired and could use something to build his reputation back up."
So say DWTS viewers, who've been responding online to the show's entreaty to suggest contestants for ABC's spring Season 12.
Actors like Seth Green, Zach Braff, Fran Drescher and Patrick Stewart have been suggested, along with singers like Adam Lambert, Olivia Newton-John, Usher and "the fellas from Celtic Thunder."
Also mentioned: athletes like Matt Hasselbeck, Scott Hamilton, Greg Louganis and top fuel driver Antron Brown [pictured at right].
But sensible suggestions like these are few.
TVWW readers really should head over there and head off some of the more, um, not-worth-watching suggestions. Fans of soaps, reality shows and online flashes-in-the-pan have been stuffing the ballot box with repetitive, annoying and often incoherent cheerleading -- C*R*Y*S*T*A*L C*H*A*P*P*E*L*L!!!! and TENLEY!!!TENLEY!!!TENLEY!!!TENLEY!!!TENLEY!!! and Kendra!!!! please please I want her to be on. I hope I can be just like her!!! (Dear Commenter: Please please get help!!!)
To be fair, it's not all users' fault -- DWTS did solicit suggestions in categories:
* Actor/Actress
* Singer
* Athlete
* Reality Star
* Comedian
* Model
* Other
But they probably didn't mean for viewers to submit the same suggestion 27 times in a row with SCREAMING PUNCTUATION!!!!!!
I'm with the poster who pleaded "Please have REAL stars this season, I don't care which ones. Not expecting A-listers, but at least people who are famous for having a talent."
Jump in there, TVWW readers. DWTS needs your help.