On Election Night, Stephen Colbert hosted a live, unedited political special on Showtime, which got more and more surreal, and funereal, as the night went on. By the end, it was more like a funeral service than a celebration, and when, in the final minutes, Colbert asked comedian Jena Friedman for any last thoughts, she advised the show’s female viewers to “get your abortions now.” Colbert laughed very nervously, and pointed out the show was being rebroadcast on Friday on CBS. “I’m not sure what parts of it might be edited out,” he said, smiling, “but I’ve got some idea.” Here, three days later, is that CBS rebroadcast – and there’s a very simple way to compare and contrast the edited version with the original unexpurgated version on Showtime. First, watch this cleaned-up CBS presentation. Then, less than an hour after this show is over, tune to…