This show is getting so good as it heads towards its finale, with each week’s show delivered a long-simmering new twist. Tonight, the long-repressed Norman Bates (Freddie Highmore) gets more intimate with an unhappily married young blonde named Madeleine (played by Isabelle McNally, pictured), who, last week, confessed her attraction to Norman. Madeleine dresses and looks a lot like Norman’s mother Norma (Vera Farmiga), who, though dead, is still very much a presence in the Bates household – and tonight, the mother observes her son on his date with her lookalike. The name Madeleine, of course, is the same name used by the character played by Kim Novak in the Alfred Hitchcock film Vertigo, the plot of which was a man’s obsessive attempt to revive the memory of a dead loved one by having a lookalike dress and act like her.