DOCUMENTARY PREMIERE: Comic books would be nothing without their various superheroes’ “origin stories,” and this documentary is nothing less than an origin story, with a built-in sequel, about the creation of the DC Comics hero Batman. Bob Kane is the name attached, in early Detective and Batman comics and in tie-in movie credits, to the earliest incarnation of the Dark Knight – but in this new documentary, author and comic-book fan Marc Tyler Nobleman turns detective to sing about a formerly unsung hero. He’s Bill Finger, whom Batman & Bill proves conclusively was the real dreamer behind most of the things we associate with Batman’s origin story. And, through a combination of filmmaking and animation, this movie also shows Nobleman trying to track down Finger’s heirs, and to fight for the forgotten creator’s rights, and royalties, in court. Holy renumeration, Batman! For a full review, see David Hinckley's All Along the Watchtower.