SERIES PREMIERE: This revival of Twin Peaks, presented by original series creators David Lynch and Mark Frost, picks up more than 25 years after the original series, and story line, ended. What happens next is a mystery in more ways than one, because Lynch and Showtime have refused to preview this new version to critics – except at a Friday night party in L.A. where attendees were sworn to secrecy until after tonight’s two-hour premiere. (Given those restrictions, I politely declined the invitation.) In TV history, when a new show is withheld from critical view in advance of its premiere, the result invariably has been a disaster – but I’m hoping this treatment of Twin Peaks: The Return is due more to a penchant for secrecy than a concern about bad advance reviews. Either way, we’ll know soon enough. And we’ll know a lot, because as soon as tonight’s first two hours are televised on Showtime, the network will make the next two available on Showtime On Demand. (Or else you can wait until next week, when Showtime presents them on its cable network.) And whether the return of Peaks is a triumph or a tragedy, I plan to review it Monday – here at TV Worth Watching, and on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross.