This new documentary, written and directed by Lisanne Skyler, is an unexpectedly personal take on the art world – specifically, Andy Warhol’s 1963-64 “sculptures” he made with assistant Gerard Malanga at the beginning of his wildly unorthodox career in the arts. They’re more like 3-D paintings, with silk-screened images recreating the image of a box of Brillo pads – and the history of one particular box has it being bought originally for $1,000 in 1969, and resold several times, including, earlier this decade, an auction haul of some $3 million. Yet the original owners used Warhol’s Brillo box as a coffee table, and, on at least one occasion, as a baby perch (see photo). That picture was taken in 1969, the year a young couple bought the box for $1,000. The baby in the photo? Lisanne Skyler, who grew up to make a Brillo Box of her own – this one, for HBO.