I’ve always had a special spot for otters (right now, it’d be my koi pond, if any TVWW-reading otters are interested). When I was a college student at the University of Florida, my friends and I would go northwest of Gainesville on occasional weekends to be the first people that day to throw our giant inner tubes, and ourselves, into the Itchetucknee River. Then we’d let the current carry us around the curves, where we’d come upon turtles, snakes, and occasional otters. The Charlie in the title of tonight’s Nature installment, Charlie and the Curious Otters, is filmmaker Charlie Hamilton James, who gets so intrigued by a trio of river otters he films in Wisconsin that he starts visiting, and filming, otters all over the world. I’ll be tuning in for sure – even though, for some people, this might sound like otter nonsense. Check local listings.