The fourth installment of David Letterman’s Netflix talk show features Jay-Z, with a side trip to record producer Rick Rubin and a recording session with Madison Ryann Ward, one of the artists Rubin is producing. The conversational chunks with Jay-Z are really intriguing, and Jay-Z has a shrewd way of responding to certain questions – by reshaping the question and throwing it back at his host. When Letterman asks Jay-Z which of his popular hip-hop peers just can’t rap, Jay-Z smiles and asks him which of today’s late-night talk hosts just aren’t funny. But many questions, Jay-Z does answer – about the creation of rhymes, his youthful occupations as both running a paper route and dealing drugs, his mother, and his family, including his wife, Beyoncé. And near the end, Letterman gets more personal than he usually does, and talks about the time his bad behavior blew up his family – then asks Jay-Z if he can relate.