The first two installments of this multi-installment AMC documentary series have been shown by the network after midnight on Sundays. This was, in part, to piggyback on the large genre audience already assembled by the network for that night’s new editions of The Walking Dead and Talking Dead (to make that linkage unavoidably clear, the inaugural episode of Eli Roth’s History of Horror, televised the same night as the season premiere of The Walking Dead, was devoted to, and titled, “Zombies.”) Last night’s installment, also appearing after midnight, was called “Slashers (Part One),” which says all you need to know about Roth’s perspective and priorities. Tonight, the network shifts Roth’s overview of the horror genre to prime time, with a 10 p.m. ET showing of, you guessed it, “Slashers (Part Two).” I wasn’t impressed with the fanboy approach to the “Zombies” episode, but I did enjoy hearing from the likes of Max Brooks, and seeing George Romero get his full props. So if you’re into slashers from the 1990s on, including Buffalo Bill, that super-spooky weirdo from Silence of the Lambs, this may be worth a peek. Even if you keep one eye covered.