TELEMOVIE PREMIERE: This new movie stars Benedict Cumberbatch as political strategist Dominic Cummings, who found the path, the issues, the slogans, and the allies to stoke public fervor, flaming the fans of the British movement to exit the European Union – the titular Brexit movement. The parallels to what happened just afterward in the United States, with the rise of Donald Trump’s similarly emotional presidential campaign, are implied but unavoidable. And while, for the first 20 minutes or so, Brexit is a bit wonky and difficult for Americans to follow easily, all that changes the moment Cummings meets with an expert well versed in the dark art of targeted social media information and manipulation. That “aha” moment, and what follows in the movie and around the world in real life, is a wake-up call that may keep you sleepless for a while. For a full review, see David Hinckley's All Along the Watchtower.