Amazon Prime Video, 3:00 a.m. ET
SERIES PREMIERE: Kate Beckinsale stars in this new series, and is the main reason to watch. She plays the title character, a woman trying to manage her grief after her husband is among the victims of a plane crash in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Except that, once she sees a fleeting glimpse of a man in subsequent news footage, a man wearing the same type of brightly colored baseball cap her husband always sported, this purported widow is convinced her husband is alive – and goes on a dangerous search for him. This drama covers so many years and flashbacks that the narrative plays out in bursts, hopscotching through time and places, and feels like a thriller-genre time-tripping version of Slaughterhouse-Five. When the plot cards are unshuffled, the narrative isn’t all that surprising or compelling – but Beckinsale often is. For a full review, see David Hinckley's All Along the Watchtower.