Today in 2004, six friends headed off to their favorite coffee house for one last latte and then, to the tune of Jefferson Airplane's "Embryonic Journey," presumably headed their separate ways. And so ended Friends, one of television's most popular sitcoms...
Twelve years after the legal drama Perry Mason disappeared from the CBS lineup, an NBC reunion movie led to the production of a series of telefilms, with Raymond Burr reprising his original role and Barbara Hale playing Della Street, Mason's loyal secretary. One of the most memorable Mason movies, Perry Mason: The Case of the Reckless Romeo, aired today in 1992...
Chicago Hope presented its final episode on this day in CBS. The series starred Mandy Patinkin and Adam Arkin as doctors and best friends operating at a Chicago hospital. Additional stars included  E.G. Marshall, Hector Elizondo and Roxanne Hart. For its entire run, the critically-acclaimed medical drama aired in the shadow of NBC's more popular ER...
Today in 1991, a broken and suicidal J.R. Ewing raised a pistol and - off camera - fired a single shot. The ambiguous ending marked the end of CBS' Dallas, one of the most popular prime-time dramas of all time. For 13 seasons...
The nation's first public television station, WGBH in Boston, began its broadcasting history today in 1955 with Come and See, a children's program hosted by by Mary Lou Adams and folk singer Tony Saletan. WGBH is considered by some to be PBS' flagship station...
After being cancelled by the Fox network in 2003, the Seth Macfarlane animated series Family Guy returns from the dead - after notching impressive DVD sales - and returns with new episodes, beginning May 1, 2005. First episode of its second, still-current run: "North by North Quahog," in which Peter and Lois attempt a second honeymoon in the hotel room of Mel Gibson.
"Until we say hello on our next show, it's time to say goodbye again," Betty White sang at the close of her short-lived ABC variety show, The Betty White Show, which was last televised today in 1958. The show - which you can see here - ran in the spot formerly held by her canceled sitcom, Date with the Angels, and consisted of Betty and her co-stars performing a variety of skits.
Long before the name was borrowed for the Walt Disney Wold Resort's massive sports complex, Wide World of Sports was an ABC anthology series showcasing sporting events ranging from drag racing and bowling to rodeo and track and field. The program, which debuted today in 1961 (and ran in various forms until 1998), was hosted by sportscaster Jim McKay, who gave voice to the indelible opening sequence containing the phrase "the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat." Additional hosts inclu
Today in 1957, Mike Wallace's late-night New York interview show went national on ABC. Viewers of The Mike Wallace Interview got an early glimpse of the agressive interview style that would become the late newsman's hallmark. His first guest? Hollywood legend Gloria Swanson.
Today in 1998, prolific writer/producer David E. Kelley orchestrated a crossover event between his two shows, the Fox comedy Ally McBeal, and the ABC drama The Practice. The shows went on to win 1998 Emmy awards for Outstanding Comedy Series and Outstanding Drama Series, respectively, making Ally McBeal and The Practice the only top TV shows to stage such an event. Incidentally, Kelley also scooped up 1998 Emmy statuettes for Outstanding Writing for both shows.

This Day in TV History